We’re Moving On…..

We’re moving on…


To a new website.

This is a very exciting milestone for Hay Burners Equine.  After building my own website with a click and drag style web building tool and countless hours of “fun learning” we decided to rebuild our entire site with a new tool and some welcomed professional help.  The straw that finally broke the camel’s back was our old site going down for what seemed an eternity, in reality, it was more like 10 days but why in the busiest time of the year?!  Murphy’s law I suppose.  I thank those slow feed hay net customers again for sticking with us during the on and mostly off nature of the site during that time.

So on November 12, we launched Hayburnersequine.com 2.0!  I hope you find it clean and easy to navigate.  We polled friends and family members to sort through different website examples to gain consensus on what they preferred.  Almost all the content is new and I hope you find the shopping tool easier to deal with.  Many customers had issues with the old cart utility.  We also have working “Reviews” now so please take a moment and let us know what you think about our products and the new site.


As time goes on we will be adding new content so please bookmark us and check back to see how we are progressing!

